Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today, as the media is booming with information, we, the teenagers might get lost in the path for accurate information. Many magazines and websites portrayed different diets to be skinny or strong. Without accurate sources of information, a lot of us will make wrong decisions that will impact our lives forever.

Many parts of the food industry want to save money and give us cheap foods that are not only high in calories, but also in saturated fats, additives, cholesterol and other things that are detrimental to your health. Many teens start not to care about eating healthy, because they have been deceived countless times by the false information around them. Also, teens might follow trends among them. For example, if fast food is in, then a lot of teens will eat fast food to fit in.

Finally, teens see images of models and believe that they are the healthy standard we must follow. However, a lot of people don't know that the pictures you will find about models have been edited. Even they can't achieve the looks without technology changing the way they look. Although you might think that engaging in bad eating habits won't affect you because you are young, they will come back and haunt you for the rest of your life. Eating unhealthy now can lead to health problems, such as diabetes, kidney failure, and heart problems. That is why we, as teenagers, must stop these unhealthy eating habits and change to a healthier lifestyle. By changing to a healthy lifestyle, we can train ourselves to retain this lifestyle in our adult life. You never know- changing your own lifestyle can lead someone else to make a decision that has the potential to impact the rest of their life.

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